Seven weeks ago I walked into my local Barclays Bank with a query about my account. Simple? A customer services officer (first barrier) said I would have to wait to speak to one of her colleagues (second barrier) to make an appointment to discuss my query. Couldn’t she do this? Well, she could but someone else was using her iPad.
Prevailed upon, she cadged a device from the back office. I would be able to see someone about my simple query in three days time!!
This I reluctantly did (God, it was only a query!) and duly sat at a desk while a consultant (third barrier) took down endless details, documented my query (which had now become a complaint) and handed me a letter stating they would be in touch “within five working days”.
It seems there have been few working days since then. I am still awaiting a response. There have been two text messages stating “your complaint is important to us”. Hmm.
There has also been a letter promising an update (not a full answer) by “no later than 25 August” (today).
Silence. Zilch. Nada.
One employee accused me of carping when I voiced concern at this lack of response and the time it was taking to provide an answer to a quite simple question.
Such is the face of modern banking, Barclays style. Whatever happened to the days when you walked into your local branch and talked to your friendly bank manager?
Seven weeks and much documentation to answer a query on a statement is a voyage into the land of the ridiculous and there’s still no sign of land ahoy.
Because I have a mobile phone it doesn’t mean I want to talk to you