2 September 2014

Size matters?


OK, size does matter. Well, it may do in certain circumstances. But in books? Is a blockbuster of many hundreds of pages any better than a slim volume containing less than 50,000 words? On indie writer websites there often seems to be a boastful preoccupation with the sheer size of a work we are being… Continue Reading

2 September 2014

Cover up


Despicable though it is that personal websites are being hacked and the material widely distributed, it is difficult to have much sympathy for the “personalities” who suffer such indignities. If you do allow yourself to be photographed in the all-together, why post the results on the internet if they are intended strictly for private consumption?… Continue Reading

31 August 2014

Chew on this


When the question was first posed I wanted to yell “No” at my computer. In fact, I think I did, secure in the privacy of my own home. It is a question that confronts users of the internet almost every day. And one that continues to irritate the pedant in me. Will I accept cookies? No, I will… Continue Reading

29 August 2014

The dangers of sharing


Today, like many other Facebook users, I received a request to share a post.  It featured a picture of a clean-cut looking young man, neatly attired and with a pleasant, open face. His name was provided, along with a few words alleging that he was visiting animal rescue centres with the specific aim of obtaining… Continue Reading

24 August 2014

It’s all relative

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Relationships are funny things, and  not in a humorous way. They are even more difficult and complex than relations and, God knows, they’re tricky enough to deal with. But relationships, they’re a real hornet’s nest.  We dive into them carefree and unthinking, full of the joie de vivre of the new and buoyed by expectations… Continue Reading

19 August 2014

These thesis things

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The thesis is done. Not mine … but that of a truly delightful client (aren’t they all?) who commissioned me to proofread and edit her 72,000-word submission for her PhD. For one whose editing work is predominantly concerned with fiction in all its genres (well, most of them) and a broad spectrum of non-fiction, this… Continue Reading

19 August 2014

Well said, Russell


In the last three days I have re-written the same chapter three times. Each time I’ve cut and added characters, I’ve changed the sequence of events, I’ve added, eliminated and altered the backstory, I’ve had new ideas, discarded old ones and drank x cups of coffee. And each time it’s been a little bit better,… Continue Reading

16 August 2014

A storm of a zephyr

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Ah, the irony of it all. The past few days have seen a deluge of posts on a Facebook group’s site populated by Australian authors.  The focus of their attention has been a single word: zephyr. A writer who had penned the line a zephyr of wind caressed the land was asking if there could be… Continue Reading

9 August 2014

The search is over … I think


Eureka! Bingo! Hellsapoppin’ … and other expressions of delight and discovery; I do believe the seemingly interminable search for a British cafe that understands the words “a long black” is at last over. And in one of the more unlikely locations, too. Up and down this cafe-crowded land a request from this caffeine addict for… Continue Reading

21 August 2013

Words … but what do they mean?

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The following extract is from a manuscript I was recently asked to assess for publication: ‘All right, I’ll see to changing that, might take a while.’ Eleanor continued with her agenda. ‘Now, what about Security? Personnel? Industrial Relations? Safety?’ ‘Hey, we need those.’ Arthur made a note. ‘Security and Safety have been the contractor’s problem… Continue Reading

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