21 November 2022
Book reviewers need to get out from Between the Covers
It’s time for members of the BBC’s weekly book discussion group to emerge from Between The Covers and broaden their field of vision. Doing so might change their outdated and somewhat snobbish attitudes to the vast world of crime fiction. Even put some excitement and joy into their studiously serious lives. This tired old viewpoint… Continue Reading
21 November 2022
Book reviewers need to get out from Between the Covers
9 November 2022
Crime tale thrills along worldwide tourist trails
15 August 2022
Choose your spook: chaotic, methodical or brutal
30 May 2022
Storm-tossed Cornish romance merits more than spellcheck
5 April 2022
Billingham’s twister sparks sleepless nights
16 February 2022
Book of the year has so many answers to the one big dilemma
20 December 2021
Crime fiction triple treat for Christmas wish lists
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1 November 2022
‘New’ Nordic noir discovery goes to top of the genre
Apologies for the long silence on the book review front. There’s no real excuse apart from being busy editing other writers’ books. This means scant time or energy remains for more reading at the end of a busy day. And the hillock of books for review is fast becoming a high tor. So much easier,… Continue Reading