5 October 2021
Sportswear marketing feasts on a run in the park
THERE is this bee buzzing around in my bonnet. Very annoying. It’s been there quite some while and is becoming increasingly irritating. Just won’t go away and is so difficult to ignore. It’s called Parkrun. You’ve probably heard of it; a weekly mass display of micro managed outdoor masochism willingly endured by thousands worldwide. Like… Continue Reading
5 October 2021
Sportswear marketing feasts on a run in the park
4 June 2021
Feeling the heat in an offensive world
1 June 2021
Tennis star Naomi fast running out of aces
23 April 2021
Since when did running come such a costly activity?
27 January 2021
Happy fat makes deadly fat and an easy Covid target
12 January 2021
Cuddles for goals but not for grandma
8 January 2021
Turning over a not so new leaf
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27 June 2021
Taking care needs to work both ways
THE clue is in the name: care worker. In other words, a person whose job (though they may also be an unpaid volunteer) is to provide care to those less fortunate than themselves. To people who maybe disabled, incapacitated, incontinent, immobile or suffering one or more of the wounding barbs that life has a nasty… Continue Reading