12 January 2021
Cuddles for goals but not for grandma
Living, coping and observing in the age of Covid #3
04 Jan 2021:
THOUGHT for the day: money does not buy brains.
Nor can it buy common sense, or consideration for others or the community at large. Shell out zillions but there’s no guarantee the recipient will be transformed into a truly mature and responsible individual regardless of how many window-dressing charity donations they might make.
Such are the conclusions from observing the ongoing childish antics of those preening, selfish, narcissistic individuals known as professional footballers.
Their self-absorption clearly knows no bounds. As does their self-interest.
While the wider community is corralled in six-person “bubbles”, these peacocks strut and parade within a collection of cocoons so flexible in terms of membership as to make total nonsense of the concept of social distancing.
As has been amply demonstrated, this applies equally to their on-field activities and their private gatherings. It’s one rule for us, other – and far stricter – rules for the common herd.
What is so difficult to understand? As science has demonstrated and stated, the virus is spread by close contact. By intimacy, not by distance. By nearby globules in the air.
It is for this basic reason that the catch-cry is “keep your distance” and why thousands upon thousands of elderly are suffering the agony of separation, of being unable in the closing days of their lives to see, hold and embrace their children and their children’s children.
Generations of once close family units have been riven apart by the need to isolate, to be cut off from all who mean the most to them. Not for a few days or weeks, even a month or so, but a year or more.
Many who obediently began self-isolating way back in March 2000 have, apart from a short summer reprieve, remained without close human contact ever since.
Not even the clasping of hands as they breathe their last. Definitely no cuddles for the grandchildren. Hundreds are yet to see – and maybe never will – grandsons and granddaughters born during the pandemic.
It’s all in a good cause, they are assured. For the greater good. To save “our NHS” – a deliberately emotive phrase if ever there was one.
By taking steps to reduce the caseload of hospitals, care homes and surgeries we might just still save the health services from total collapse.
All true and undeniable. Thus the rallying cry persists; we are all in this together.
All, it seems, except the millionaires who kick a ball around an empty stadium for 90 minutes once or twice a week and cough, spit, hawk and, worst of all, get into frequent close embrace in the process.
Logic? There is none. Especially when the dwindling player lists at many football clubs prove none of these self-serving ball-kickers (or their families) are immune to the virus.
All are catchers and spreaders; we are all in this together.
Yet clubs and players continue to ignore the directives and warnings from the authorities. And why wouldn’t they? Such soft-gloved chiding means little to those guarding multi-million dollar businesses.
They bemoan the dire financial impact, the loss of income, the threat to future operations. An attitude that shows their ongoing total disregard for the thousands of thousands beyond their stadia walls who have already closed down, filed for bankruptcy and now fight to maintain house and home. The very same people who have religiously given football their loyal support, and money, down the years.
Stop the pantomimes that follow the scoring of a goal. After all, you are simply doing what you are paid to do. Your job.
As are all those wearied, stressed out, sleep-deprived, relentlessly dedicated people striving to stem the national tide of death. But they don’t turn cartwheels when a patient survives.
For once, look at the grim world beyond your cloistered and pampered existence of mega mansions, mask-free partying, gold watches, home cinemas and ridiculous hair styles. Heed the warnings and directives. Maybe even stop the needless spitting.
Think beyond self. Of your own families, grandparents and then the wider world.
Or soon you won’t have even an empty arena in which to strut your stuff.
We are all in this together.
Because I have a mobile phone it doesn’t mean I want to talk to you