We have given birth.
And it was almost pain-free.
Certainly devoid of screaming and wailing in the delivery room.
Mind you, doing the major part of it remotely probably helped.
We are, however, talking not of humankind, but in techno terms.
Our corporate flag is being waved from a totally new look website.
And this is our first blog post.
A test run to see if all the additional bells and whistles are performing the way we were told they should.
Too many of them to welcome wholeheartedly into the bosom of the family at this early stage.
Too much technology to even to begin to understand.
Not everyone’s brain is hard-wired to cope with such a deluge of “stuff.”
Yes, “stuff”. There is no better label to describe this techno onslaught.
Apps and plugins galore. Most of them attached to a wealth of promises, claims and instructions.
Those who deal in such “stuff” believe it abounds in clarity and only an illiterate idiot could fail to understand their step-by-step guidance .
Aah, but there’s a catch. They instruct and explain in a language that many of us fail to comprehend. One that was never on the school curriculum along with French or German or even Chinese.
It ranks with the secrecy of the Freemasons, or of some undiscovered Amazon tribal group. It is communication purely for the initiated; for their carefully vetted and approved intimates.
It is nigh impossible for an outsider (otherwise known as a layperson) to penetrate the Magic Circle of the techno world.
But we will persevere.
Because I have a mobile phone it doesn’t mean I want to talk to you