11 October 2024

Thrills remain though we know who dunnit

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Crime fiction book cover

The prime joy of reading crime fiction is puzzling out “who dunnit”. Yet here’s a thriller in which we know who the guilty parties are almost from the get go. And yet we are still happy to go along for the ride. Wondering where this horror journey can possibly end – and how many victims… Continue Reading

18 February 2023

Deep in the forest a page turner lures its readers in

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What makes a good page turner? Anyone seeking the answer needs only to devour the final fifty or so pages of Bad Apples. Allow yourself to be drawn in – which is a hands down certainty in itself – and you will be turning pages with increasing rapidity, helpless to resist. Desperate to know the… Continue Reading

12 March 2021

Murder and mayhem in hilarious crime fiction debut

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Book cover Richard Osman The Thursday Murder Club

NAH, it can’t be that good. Surely not. Must be because its cover has a celebrity’s name taking top billing as the author. Another example of vanity publishing, selling by popularity rather than content. Probably ghost written too. Isn’t that how it goes; win the public’s heart through the telly or sport then cash in… Continue Reading

20 January 2021

New writer’s thriller reveals Canada’s divisive dark side

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Book cover Osmand's Creek

ONE of the many pleasures gained from reading crime fiction is being plunged deep into places never previously visited. Or, if having been there only superficially as a mere transient, now getting down and dirty with the locals. No longer passing through but going well and truly off piste. The crime novel as a Baedecker…. Continue Reading

2 July 2020

Taut teaser a good introduction to German crime fiction

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AND now for something completely different with a truly gripping thriller from a source not previously sampled. After years of immersion in the tide of Scandi Noir, I am stepping out into fresh fields with a switch to German Noir. Well, completely different and fresh for this reader, although no doubt it has been flourishing… Continue Reading

29 April 2020

A taut, twisting and tantalising time with the Perfect Wife

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For once I can use the phrase “a true page turner” with utter conviction. And happily add the clumsier “unputdownable”. This novel fully merits both descriptions. And though I am not one of those speed readers who can zip through a book in a single session, I was close to achieving that feat on this… Continue Reading

31 May 2018

More memoir surprises

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Family history never ceases to surprise and delight. It is an endless journey into the unexpected. Skeletons leap from cupboards and sudden contacts from hitherto strangers breath life into people who so far have been mere names clinging precariously to the family tree. This week, emails from out of the blue have unearthed another bag… Continue Reading

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