4 April 2019

Twisted Trees

Once a spy always a spy…

Former British secret agent Bromo Perkins finds his strings being pulled again in Tony Berry’s latest crime thriller, Twisted Trees.

Bromo’s long been ‘retired’ to Australia where he runs a one-man travel agency.

His clients are a select group – including other ‘sleepers’, acting on orders from London, people like businessman Dave McCoy.

But Bromo soon discovers somebody has it in for the Melbourne McCoys.

Four siblings of the family are one by one hunted, humiliated and brutally assaulted.

Torture, head-shaving, arson and drowning are the means.

Two die from their wounds, and The Tree Surgeon proclaims his mission with chilling messages.

But where there is trouble in Bromo’s life, there is always the lovely Liz Shapcott to help dig him out.

Together they begin the peel back the layers of McCoy’s past, eventually leading all the way back to the London Blitz.

But not before Bromo has himself suffered his own beating at the hands of … who exactly?

Who really is fellow agent Steve Stone? Under the surface, who is Dave’s new partner, the self-styled Melissa McCoy? And how does the decrepit old-timer George Smith, who lives in luxurious splendour, fit in?

And can Bromo and Liz finally clinch it as a couple by together solving the riddle of who is the real McCoy?

Tony Berry’s Twisted Trees is the latest in the popular Bromo Perkins series of crime thrillers, which began with debut novel Done Deal, followed by Washed Up and The Devil Deals in Diamonds. His fourth book expands on themes and characters already firmly established, and continues to deliver fast-paced action with outrageous humour and subtle sexual banter.

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