2 May 2020

Cure needed for pandemic’s verbal virus

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The lexicographers are working overtime. New words are being coined, reviewed and added to dictionaries worldwide almost daily. It seems there’s nothing like disasters and pandemics to send the spin doctors into a frenzy of creativity as they try to find ways of cloaking and minimising what is actually happening. Plain speaking is avoided at… Continue Reading

29 April 2020

A taut, twisting and tantalising time with the Perfect Wife

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For once I can use the phrase “a true page turner” with utter conviction. And happily add the clumsier “unputdownable”. This novel fully merits both descriptions. And though I am not one of those speed readers who can zip through a book in a single session, I was close to achieving that feat on this… Continue Reading

24 April 2020

Isolation boredom or Russian Roulette?


These are indeed strange and unsettling times. Such that they have resurrected thoughts of Parkinson’s Law, which famously stated way back in 1955 that  “work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.” Thanks to the demands of social distancing and self-isolation, vast numbers of the population are now finding themselves with… Continue Reading

21 April 2020

Interior design – good to look at, not to use

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EVERY day I am confronted by a very visible and irritating triple reminder of one of the more regrettable recent errors of my ways. A stark and unavoidable footnote to a rash and impetuous decision. One that was needlessly expensive but which I am condemned to live with unless I spend yet more money. They… Continue Reading

16 April 2020

When a virus spreads, the dictionary swells

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It was only a few days ago that I suggested  many of the words and phrases that have already become lingua franca during the recent global crisis were sure to be well in the running for selection as Word(s) of the Year. Place your bets … Since then we have heard (imagined)  cries of “stop… Continue Reading

15 April 2020

Self-isolation: it’s situation normal for loners and introverts


THERE is something to be said in favour of being an introverted loner at times like this. While all about us fret and fume about the enforced home confinement wrought on their lives by Covid-19, the true loners  simply plod on regardless. ‘What’s changed?’ we ask.  Situation normal.  All’s well on the home front. Far… Continue Reading

15 April 2020

A hot (and wet) book at bedtime

NEVER fall asleep in bed holding a book and a hot drink. The book gets wet and you get woken very suddenly, and painfully.   Lesson learned Continue Reading

15 April 2020

Hot drinks in bed: I’ll not drink to that


via Hot drinks in bed: I’ll not drink to that Continue Reading

9 April 2020

The Perfect Wife weaves a near perfect tale

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As one who is forever wary of book cover blurbs, I approached this much-praised offering with even more caution than usual. Look at those blasts from high-status reviewers: Mind-bending, Unputdownable, Masterful. Surely hyperbole gone mad. There are six more pages of them inside, all of them in the same OTT vein. An enormous pinch of… Continue Reading

8 April 2020

The fearsome fantasy of a garden


Having so far remained  free of the horrendous effects of Covid-19, I will however admit to suffering what might be considered a supplementary impact. Not the sweaty feverish three days with a headache and sore dry throat and the accompanying anxieties; they  lingered a bit too long for comfort but thankfully eventually moved on. Immune… Continue Reading

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