13 August 2019
There will be no stopping my insults.
Things are not going to change. All you poor sensitive souls out there, and you seem to multiply by the day, will simply have to accept my continuing rudeness. There will be no apologies if what I write upsets you. Grin and bear it, turn the other cheek, tweet away on Twitter, fulminate on Facebook, … Continue Reading
13 August 2019
There will be no stopping my insults.
Things are not going to change. All you poor sensitive souls out there, and you seem to multiply by the day, will simply have to accept my continuing rudeness. There will be no apologies if what I write upsets you. Grin and bear it, turn the other cheek, tweet away on Twitter, fulminate on Facebook, … Continue Reading
4 June 2019
All you need to know about a (M&S) cucumber

ON a day when Waitrose announced it was following a move at least partially made by other supermarkets, it was intriguing to discover how dear old fuddy-duddy M&S was faring. So, in the interests of research (are there other reasons for favouring this pricey purveyor?), I bought a cucumber from the M&S Food Hall (such… Continue Reading
Writing a blog used to be a simple, time-efficient task. That is, until WordPress decided to “improve” things. And, as so often happens when such decisions are made, things became intolerably worse. It used to be a case of type of the text, select a picture and insert it wherever appropriate. Simple. Now we have… Continue Reading
Sorting through my recently discovered pack of old postcards has provoked not only memories but also an unexpected feeling of sadness for the Facebook generation. This intrusive all-seeing all-knowing app (what a ghastly truncated word) has enabled them to bombard their army of “friends” about every aspect of their lives. The postcards of the 21st… Continue Reading
As this next postcard instantly reminds me, they were holding a funeral the day I arrived in Tana Toraja; and the corpse was six months dead. To mark the occasion, two splendid white buffalo were slaughtered (quickly and cleanly), dozens of pigs were butchered (slowly and noisily) and there was hour after hour of singing… Continue Reading
Now here’s some food for thought. Real food, too. Which probably makes quite a change for many of us in these vitamin-fuelled times. At least you can now count me out of the millions here and worldwide who are buying vitamin supplements in ever-increasing numbers in the hope, and even belief, that they will improve … Continue Reading
Look what the courier brought …. Book Five in the Bromo Perkins series of crime fiction stories has been printed by Ingram Spark and is now being made available through all its distribution outlets – Amazon, Kindle and major book wholesalers and bookshops worldwide. An e-book version is also available for those who have deserted… Continue Reading
26 August 2018
Crime fiction fans: Bromo’s back
Bromo Perkins returns. The latest story in the ongoing investigations by Richmond’s favourite cynical sleuth will be available in paperback and to download as an e-book from next week. All the heavy lifting has been done by the wonderful team at Design For Writers and everything has been uploaded to the international websites of Ingram Spark. Ingram… Continue Reading
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28 December 2018
Watch out! The muse has struck
Uninvited, but more welcome than a cold shower on a stinking hot day in Melbourne, my muse has reappeared. As usual, she came from nowhere and without a prompt. I was merely taking s stroll (or perhaps I should say ‘we’) to combat inertia, mental as well as physical. And there she was, whispering seductive… Continue Reading