22 May 2020

Relief! We can once again buy knickers and bras

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WITHOUT fanfare my local M&S has today reopened its ground floor clothing, cosmetics and sundry items section. No shouty newspaper or TV campaigns. Almost a whisper; a soft opening as similar cautious events are described. Yet hardly had the doors slid open to provide access to its Food Hall than the other racks of non-essentials… Continue Reading

21 April 2020

Interior design – good to look at, not to use

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EVERY day I am confronted by a very visible and irritating triple reminder of one of the more regrettable recent errors of my ways. A stark and unavoidable footnote to a rash and impetuous decision. One that was needlessly expensive but which I am condemned to live with unless I spend yet more money. They… Continue Reading

16 April 2020

When a virus spreads, the dictionary swells

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It was only a few days ago that I suggested  many of the words and phrases that have already become lingua franca during the recent global crisis were sure to be well in the running for selection as Word(s) of the Year. Place your bets … Since then we have heard (imagined)  cries of “stop… Continue Reading

15 April 2020

Self-isolation: it’s situation normal for loners and introverts


THERE is something to be said in favour of being an introverted loner at times like this. While all about us fret and fume about the enforced home confinement wrought on their lives by Covid-19, the true loners  simply plod on regardless. ‘What’s changed?’ we ask.  Situation normal.  All’s well on the home front. Far… Continue Reading

8 April 2020

The fearsome fantasy of a garden


Having so far remained  free of the horrendous effects of Covid-19, I will however admit to suffering what might be considered a supplementary impact. Not the sweaty feverish three days with a headache and sore dry throat and the accompanying anxieties; they  lingered a bit too long for comfort but thankfully eventually moved on. Immune… Continue Reading

29 March 2020

Sweating on finding a Covid repellent

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You don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone, sang Joni Mitchell. And right now I am hoping that will be the case. Hoping that when Covid-19 testing eventually filters down to the masses, my current concerns will prove justified. That I was not giving in to hypochondria. That tests provide late confirmation of what… Continue Reading

20 March 2020

The man, the virus and the nightmare


THE elderly man flicked through the pages of the newspaper. Back and forth. Flick, flick. Stopping occasionally to re-read an item, perhaps check a headline, looking for meaning, for answers. Finding none, only confusion. What first appeared as imperatives could also be seen merely as advice, open to interpretation. An either/or situation. Toss a coin…. Continue Reading

13 August 2019

There will be no stopping my insults.

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Things are not going to change. All you poor sensitive souls out there, and you seem to multiply by the day, will simply have to accept my continuing rudeness. There will be no apologies if what I write upsets you. Grin and bear it, turn the other cheek, tweet away on Twitter, fulminate on Facebook, … Continue Reading

4 June 2019

All you need to know about a (M&S) cucumber

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ON a day when Waitrose announced it was following a move at least partially made by other supermarkets, it was intriguing to discover how dear old fuddy-duddy M&S was faring. So, in the interests of research (are there other reasons for favouring this pricey purveyor?), I bought a cucumber from the M&S Food Hall (such… Continue Reading

4 April 2019

Pooh-pooh to penalties for pooping

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NO matter which way you look at it, it’s a doggone mess. I refer to the widely welcomed but totally ridiculous decision by Cornwall Council to introduce on-the-spot fines for those who allow their dogs to foul our footpaths, parks and playing fields. This is window dressing of the worst kind. The type of initiative… Continue Reading

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