27 November 2019

Listening to the body

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THE human body is a wonderful thing, but it does have a mind of its own. A mind that overrides opposition, one that will rarely accept deviation from the course it has set itself upon. And thus it was at precisely 2.53 pm today that it made an unheralded announcement: a truce would be called… Continue Reading

25 November 2019

Bromo bashed – an excerpt from Book 6

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A few paces on and he stopped at the entrance where he had seen the skinny youth enter and emerge. The sign was in full view, Skippers Ope. One skipper or many, he mused; something only a relentless pedant would worry about. Daylight was fading. The ope was an unlit passage between neighbouring terraced houses, roofed… Continue Reading

4 June 2019

All you need to know about a (M&S) cucumber

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ON a day when Waitrose announced it was following a move at least partially made by other supermarkets, it was intriguing to discover how dear old fuddy-duddy M&S was faring. So, in the interests of research (are there other reasons for favouring this pricey purveyor?), I bought a cucumber from the M&S Food Hall (such… Continue Reading

11 April 2019

All aboard the writer’s train of inspiration

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It has been like waiting for a train when unaware that there has been a derailment further down the line. You wait in hope. At first, quite patiently, unconcerned. It will be coming soon. Gradually other emotions creep in. A slight anxiety, morphing into concern. What’s gone wrong? The train should be here by now…. Continue Reading

4 April 2019

Pooh-pooh to penalties for pooping

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NO matter which way you look at it, it’s a doggone mess. I refer to the widely welcomed but totally ridiculous decision by Cornwall Council to introduce on-the-spot fines for those who allow their dogs to foul our footpaths, parks and playing fields. This is window dressing of the worst kind. The type of initiative… Continue Reading

28 December 2018

Watch out! The muse has struck

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Uninvited, but more welcome than a cold shower on a stinking hot day in Melbourne, my muse has reappeared. As usual, she came from nowhere and without a prompt. I was merely taking s stroll (or perhaps I should say ‘we’) to combat inertia, mental as well as physical. And there she was, whispering seductive… Continue Reading

24 December 2018

Postcards No.8: living for death

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As this next postcard instantly reminds me, they were holding a funeral the day I arrived in Tana Toraja; and the corpse was six months dead. To mark the occasion, two splendid white buffalo were slaughtered (quickly and cleanly), dozens of pigs were butchered (slowly and noisily) and there was hour after hour of singing… Continue Reading

2 November 2018

Garfield found: where to now?

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My first tentative venture into crime fiction occurred many years, even decades, ago. As tends to be my way of doing things, I started writing and let the characters lead me. Chief among them was a mild and insignificant denizen of suburban life, Garfield Parks. Why he was called that, I have no idea; that… Continue Reading

30 August 2018

A happy arrival

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Look what the courier brought …. Book Five in the Bromo Perkins series of crime fiction stories has been printed by Ingram Spark and is now being made available through all its distribution outlets – Amazon, Kindle and major book wholesalers and bookshops worldwide. An e-book version is also available for those who have deserted… Continue Reading

26 August 2018

Crime fiction fans: Bromo’s back

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Bromo Perkins returns. The latest story in the ongoing investigations by Richmond’s favourite cynical sleuth will be available in paperback and to download as an e-book from next week. All the heavy lifting has been done by the wonderful team at Design For Writers and everything has been uploaded to the international websites of Ingram Spark. Ingram… Continue Reading

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